Welcome to Disease-Free Living

Offering Diet, Nutrition & Lifestyle tips for disease-free living


Dr Alamgir Hussain (PhD)

– PhD, Molecular Biology, National University of Singapore

– B.Sc. & M.Sc. (Hons), Biochemistry, Punjab University, India

Certificate in:
1. Easing the burden of Obesity, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease, Sydney University

2. Herbal Medicine, University of Minnesota, USA

3. Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

4. Stanford Introduction to Food and Health, Stanford University, USA

Dr Michael Chang (PhD)

– Assoc. Professor, Biochemistry, National University of Singapore (retired)
– PhD, Molecular Biology, Imperial College London

– B.Sc. (Hons), University of Birmingham, UK

– Certificate, Stanford Introduction of Food and Health, Stanford University, USA

Dr Alamgir Hussain (PhD) and Dr Michael Chang (PhD) are trained in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with additional training in Diet, Nutrition & Lifestyle for healthy living and managing chronic diseases.

Dr Chang was diagnosed with diabetes around the age of 40, followed by hypertension and hypercholesteremia, arthritis, gout, and frozen shoulder etc. one by one. Dr Hussain had suffered from common infectious illnesses all his life because of poor immunity. By mid-30s, he was also suffering from migraine, constipation, severe acid reflux, and finally weak & stiff muscle, niggling joint & pack pain, and fatigue etc., collectively making life miserable.

Rather uncommon a century ago, diseases as such as autism, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, gastritis, asthma & COPD, cancer, kidney damage, and various neurological disorders etc. are not only causing massive sufferings today, but also crippling our economy and imperiling our survival as well-functioning societies, despite tremendous advances in research and knowledge in Biomedical Sciences. These diseases started afflicting both Dr Hussain and Dr Chang in their 20s and 30s.

Despite being under regular consultations of medical professionals and diligently taking prescribed medicines, those diseases kept getting worse progressively with increasing sufferings. Based on the knowledge and insights gained from the nearly two decades of studies and research in Biomedical Sciences, Dr Hussain started his own research in 2007, aimed at alleviating his sufferings, initially from gastric disorders and common infectious illnesses, such as by boosting the gut health and immunity, respectively, with the right nutritional supplementation of his diet. Within a short period, his suffering from common illnesses and gastric reflux was reduced by 60-70%, dramatically improving his health and quality of life.

Encouraged, Dr Hussain subsequently expanded his research to deal with other health problems of his own and loved ones. Dr Michael Chang, Dr Hussain’s PhD mentor at the National University of Singapore, later joined in the research. And they have been able to develop highly effective nutrition-based solutions for preventing, and eliminating or better-managing diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis & gout, brain health, memory & migraine, kidney damage, and acid reflux, constipation & hemorrhoids etc.

With those nutrition-based solutions, Dr Hussain remains on “zero” medicine since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite his weak natural immunity, he remains free of the COVID-19 disease, although exposed to the virus repeatedly.

Dr Chang’s joint pain and frozen shoulder have completely disappeared; his gout frequency has reduced by >95% with much less severity each time. His blood pressure has come down from ~155/100 to ~120/80. As concerns diabetes, he has gotten rid of insulin and glipizide and reduced metformin, and still maintaining a healthy blood sugar level below 6.0, down from ~8.0.

Our nutritional formulations have also solved years and decades of crippling health problems and sufferings of many of our family members, friends and relatives.

Besides all these experiences of our own, studies after studies since the 1990s have also shown that right diet and lifestyle can eliminate 80% of the ongoing chronic diseases from the population. In fact, in the five Blue Zones around the world, namely Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Loma Linda (California), Nicoya (Costa Rica) and Ikaria (Greece), where people live the longest, and frequently up to 100 years almost free of chronic diseases. This is because people in those places have distinctly different and healthy dietary habit and lifestyle.

All these give us confidence that diet, nutrition and lifestyle adopted in light of the latest research and knowledge in Biomedical Sciences can enable many of us to live disease-free.

This has also become an urgent necessity for our species. According to Prof David Dodick of Mayo Clinic (@00:16:45), chronic diseases “place an existential threat to our societies”, while according to Prof. David Katz of Yale University, diabetes-afflicted population in the US will rise from the current 11% to about 33% in 2050. And that the cost of diabetes-care alone around that time may turn the US economically insolvent.

How about if throwing autism in the mix, which has increased from 1 in 150 newborns in 2000 to 1 in 50 in 2020 and is projected to occur in 40-50% of the newborns in 2050. Increasing at a similar rate in every nation, autism alone is poised to turn human societies nonfunctional around the middle of this century.

For us, healthcare focused on diet, nutrition and lifestyle is the only way to avoid or delay the impending health disaster ahead of us. This realization has motivated us to share with the world our knowledge, insights and experiences vis-a-vis diet, nutrition and lifestyle for healthy and disease-free living. We invite you to join us in our effort to live healthy and disease-free in order to avoid the coming health disaster that otherwise awaits our species.

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   Email: biohealing22@gmail.com

   WhatsApp: +65 8896 1975